In the early 90’s the machismo of popular rock was dealt a blow and it tumbled from its peak. This blow was dealt by the humble and disaffected in the grunge movement on a scale yet unseen in rock history. But hidden beneath the gaze of the television and rock magazine covers, there rose a new contingent of musicians in touch with their emotions and empowered by the recent change in power dynamics. This movement drew from a rich history of emotional hardcore diy punk and the permission granted by the stardom of sensative front men of grunge.
That was the birth of emo. This is the story of Cicero.
In 2005, founder Justin Price, picked up his guitar and filled with love for the underground emo music movement from his teenage years of the 90’s, to start a band. He gathered his brother Cory Price on drums and Cory’s childhood friend Robbie Arnold to play bass. This trio began to jam but it became clear that, though Justin’s writing was prolific, they needed one more element. Justin called on an old band mate from the 90’s, Paul Hedrick, to join in the rekindling of a seemingly lost movement. Paul began rearranging songs and bringing more songs to the mix as well as intensely expressive vocals. Writing came fast now that they had a winning combination of heart on their sleeves and howling passion, they aimed everything they had at recreating the magic of that mid-90’s emotional rock movement.They fed off of bands such as Sunny Day Real Estate, Mineral, Dear Ephesus, and “Clarity” era Jimmy Eat World. They practiced relentlessly in the place of their emo forefathers; a cold garage in suburbia. Our boys played over a hundred shows in the Portland area (sometimes four in one week) and on a few west coast tours covering the length of California to the north of Washington and stretching east to Montana. |
In early 2007 Cicero released “The Difference Between Love [and The One You Loved]” pressed by Championship Vinyl. This 5 song EP oozed with genuine heart break, real emotion and raw punk energy. Cicero was joined briefly by keyboardist Matthew Maffioli. The demands of life came up and both Robbie and Matt moved on. Brandon Shewbert of local legend Stillvoice, joined our troop to fill in on bass. Quickly the band gelled and continued unabated, playing with fervor. Before long, Brandon had to move to continue his education, so our troop decided to call it quits in 2008 with over 150 shows under their belts, ranging from the smallest seedy bars all the way to huge festivals of thousands like Tom Fest.
In 2011 Paul wrote a handful of new songs and gathered three new members(Lauren Pettit, Seth Zimmerman, and Jesse Kennedy) to resurrect Cicero for one X-Fest festival appearance. That incarnation was not fated to last, and Cicero was once again put on hiatus. The hiatus stood until late 2018 at a going away party for Justin (now of band: “proper english.”). As Cory and Paul reminisced, Cicero began its come back, and from the goading of former keyboardist Matt, the three reformed with Matt on bass. They retooled and reworked three songs from the original formation, and three from the second in order to record the “At Home” EP in 2020. That was Cicero’s rebirth. Though Matt’s now demanding life of father, and important job position caused him to leave and Brian Bloodgood to step in, they are now off to the races. Hearts will bleed and the sirens of heartbreak will woo sailors once again. Cicero is both, more fierce and sensitive than ever and will not be stopped. |